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Military and Trauma Focused Training

For all virtual training, a working microphone and video are required for participation and engagement. The Zoom link will be sent 24 hours prior to the start of the training to the email address provided at enrollment.

For any accommodations to this, please contact the Spectrum Education and Training institute at

Sam DiVincenzo



3.25 CEUs



Training Overview

This training provides insight into understanding the basics of military culture, the different branches of the military, stages of deployment, and the differences between military and civilian cultures. We will explore the implications/effects trauma can have on individuals, their families, those treating veterans/vicarious trauma, and how to apply trauma-informed care to military culture. Participants will be encouraged to utilize the information provided in practice, to help prevent retraumatization, and to understand the differences between military and civilian cultures.


Educational Goals

Participants will be able to identify:

  • 1-2 current military values
  • 1-2 possible trauma experiences encountered by military, families, and communities
  • 1-2 ways to integrate trauma-informed care with the military and community
  • 1-2 factors associated with vicarious trauma

Interested in this course?