Brand Handbook
Our Identity
Here at Spectrum Health & Human Services we care deeply for each person that crosses our threshold if that’s a community member or staff member! Our desire is that this level of care and excellence would be shown in everything we do, including how we present ourselves. We use a variety of color, shapes, textures, and typography to convey a friendly, welcoming, and approachable presence.
Table of Contents
What Guides Us
To respectfully partner with adults, children and families as they recover from behavioral, emotional, mental health and/or substance abuse-related disorders by offering individualized and meaningful opportunities of hope, empowerment and support to achieve self-defined improvements in their quality of life.
Our Commitment
We are responsible for the resources and obligations entrusted to us and will manage them in an ethical and efficient manner.
We are committed to diversity as a way of enriching our ability to fulfill our mission.
Those who are responsible for decisions and those who are affected by their results will participate in the process that creates them.
Honesty, fairness, and integrity will define all of our actions.
We are committed to the highest quality in all that we do.
We will always treat others with courtesy, dignity, and unconditional regard.
Our Focus
Focus on entreating people with empathy rather than impressing them with information.
- Care for the individual
- Lead with hope
- Minimize the power of the problem
- Maximize power of the process
“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
Theodore Roosevelt
Logo Usage
The Exclusion Zone
The logo must be reproduced with a clear area around it that is free from other graphic elements. This area is known as the ‘exclusion zone.’
Incorrect Logo Usage
Adjust Brand Colors
Adjust Drop Shadow
Icon too close to logotype
Primary Palette
Spectrum Black
Pantone 432 C
HEX: #304251
C: 83 M: 65 Y: 49 K: 38
R: 48 G: 66 B: 81
Accent Blue
Pantone 2203 C
HEX: #048ab2
C: 83 M: 33 Y: 18 K: 0
R: 10 G: 138 B: 178
Accent Orange
Pantone 1495 C
HEX: #ff8f21
C: 0 M: 53 Y: 95 K: 0
R: 247 G: 143 B: 40
Light Grey
Pantone 7545 C 20%
HEX: #cbd1d5
C: 77 M: 60 Y: 44 K: 26
R: 67 G: 83 B: 99
Secondary Palette
Alt. Accent Pink
Pantone 2352 C
HEX: #bc429d
C: 26 M: 88 Y: 0 K: 0
R: 187 G: 68 B: 153
Alt. Accent Purple
Pantone 7452 C
HEX: #8595fa
C: 49 M: 40 Y: 0 K: 0
R: 134 G: 144 B: 200
Youth Gradient
Pantone 7452 C-2352 C
HEX: #BC429D – #8595FA
Adult Gradient
Pantone 1495 C-2352 C
HEX: #BC429D – #FC8F2B
Caveat Regular
Accent text & pre-heading. Don’t use all caps.
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890
Google Font
GT Walshiem Bold
Used for headings. Make sure this isn’t displayed too close to the logo. Don’t use all caps.
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890
GT Walshiem Regular
To be used for all body type. Don’t use all caps.
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890
Images, Shapes & Textures
Border Radius
Images used without texture must have a 5px border radius.
Image Library
Choose from a variety of preselected and approved Spectrum Health stock photos to use in marketing graphics.
Image Shapes & Textures
If an image is using one of the four brand image cutout shapes, it must be accompanied by the associated texture.
Section Divider
Instead of a sharp flat edge, the fluid curves of the section divider creates a more playful and interesting feel.
This can be used to separate one section from another in print and digital marketing & advertising materials, websites, social media, email marketing and beyond.