Update on Spectrum Health’s recovery from the ’22 Christmas storm.

Spectrum Health on ‘WNY Living’… Watch Replay
“WNY Living,” a weekly lifestyle program hosted by Kevin Sylvester, spotlighted Spectrum Health on Sat., Aug. 19 at 9:30 AM on @WGRZ NBC 2.
The show featured a discussion with Ann Bowback, Project Director for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Medication-Assisted Treatment Enhancement Grant; and Kristina Moore, a Registered Nurse at Spectrum Health’s Buffalo Clinic, who are members of the planning team for “Not One More – Stand Together to End Overdose,” set for Wed., Aug. 30, 4 PM to 7 PM at Veterans Memorial Park in West Seneca.
To watch a replay, please click on the following: https://www.wgrz.com/wnyliving