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Spectrum Health Journey

EP 19 | Suicide Prevention Awareness

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness month. We welcome Cameron Burns of Crisis Services who talks about resources in our community and beyond. Spectrum Health’s Christine Ziemba reminds us that communication and the words we use can help someone with suicidal ideations reach out for support. Kate Hull, owner of Share Joy, talks about her journey and how spreading joy with flowers is up-lifting. Please join us!

shswny-September 2024 Podcast promotional post

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Mental Health

EP 23 | Music is powerful Medicine
JoAnn Falletta, music director for Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra and Patti Parks, founder of…

Mental Health

EP 22 | Hope for the Holidays
Spectrum Health offers holiday coping tips and a retirement reflection.

Mental Health

EP 21 | City and Country
In this November podcast we talk with our guests about behavioral health in their rural setting.

Mental Health

EP 01 | Empowering Community
This month the team talks about our Supportive Housing program and how it works with our clients…

Mental Health

EP 20 | Empowering Community
October is all about Community. We share information about Spectrum Health’s commitment to helping..

Mental Health

EP 18 | WNY’s Opioid Overdose Epidemic
August’s podcast is all about WNY’s opioid overdose epidemic.