Did you know that February 17th, 2020 is Random Acts of Kindness Day?
Here at Spectrum, it’s one of our favorite days of the year. We know that just a little bit of kindness can turn someone’s day around, and even change their life!
One simple act of being kind has the power to create a ripple effect, leaving you empowered to keep on giving- and the receiver ready to share all of the love that they have gained!
Recent studies have even shown that during times of high stress, reaching out and helping others in your community is the greatest predictor of happiness because it helps us to see that we’re never truly alone.
In honor of Random Acts of Kindness Day, here are five things that you can do for someone else:
Start a Starbucks tab.
One cup of coffee is all it takes to let someone know that you’re thinking of them! And a line full of unsuspecting strangers? Even better!
Volunteer at a nursing home.
Everyone loves to know that they are seen, and could always use a friend. We’re confident that you’ll leave full of joy!
Give a compliment.
Have you ever left the house second-guessing your outfit choice? Let someone know that you notice how great they are! You never know what it could mean to them.
Write a letter.
Words hold a lot of power. When you write a kind letter for someone you love, it’s something that they can cherish forever!
Donate arts and crafts supplies to your local school or homeless shelter.
Knowing that you were able to give a gift that’s fun and creative for a child in need is something that will bring joy into their life, and yours!
No matter the act, being kind is a gift that keeps on giving!
Even if it’s as small as smiling to the person at the checkout line, we know it has the power to make a difference!
What will you do for RAK day this year?