Let’s take a minute and just call out the ridiculousness of 2020.
From a political election to natural disasters and the coronavirus pandemic, this year will be an unforgettable chapter in our lives.
With everything we’ve incurred, the mental health profession has seen an increase in people reaching out.
Increased anxiety, high-stress levels, depressed moods, social isolation, widespread grief, worsening physical health, deteriorating coping skills, and not to mention the inevitable trauma that will follow this global pandemic that we are all living through (DEEP BREATH, phew) have led to significant unrest.
A survey conducted by the International Committee of the Red Cross (IICRC) reported that 51% of respondents in seven countries surveyed have suffered worse mental health since March 2020.
At the beginning of COVID, we all managed the extensive changes because of an intense sense of adrenaline.
Since then, we’ve settled into a new sense of normal; the longer the impact of COVID continues, the more fatigue sets in.
It is important to stop and take notice of how you are feeling.
Are you experiencing any of the following?
Disturbed sleep, a messier (than normal) house, piles of laundry, exhaustion before starting your day, heightened anxiety or irritability, no physical exercise, less attention to hygiene?
If so, take time for some self-care! Take time off creating a healthy work-life balance. Make time to enjoy your favorite pastimes and people. Engage in activities that promote a healthy lifestyle. Sleep!
And of course, reach out to a mental health professional for more assistance.
Not quite ready for that? Try Spectrum Health’s virtual groups through the Community of Caring that has daily groups available to all. Plus, it’s free!
“You cannot pour from an empty cup.”
Take care of yourself to take care of others.
Jessica Okoniewski
Clinical Director, Springville location
Spectrum Health and Human Services