Well, the day has come that many of us thought we would never reach, 2020 is almost over. This past year felt like never-ending cycle of change, uncertainty, and mixed emotions. Likely, resolutions you made this time last year became unattainable with gyms closing, limited travel, financial struggle- just to name a few obstacles faced by millions this year. As we approach 2021, let’s start this next year on a good note by choosing resolutions that are bite-sized and attainable.
Here are some do’s and don’ts for making and achieving your 2021 goals:
- Make new years resolutions based off how other people look- namely celebrities
- Set weight loss goals with specific numbers
- Don’t make too many resolutions that are unattainable or will stress you out
- The start of new year is a great place to start with resolutions, but don’t limit yourself to just the beginning of the new year to make a positive change
- Choose a resolution that doesn’t have internal motivation behind it, or come from a place of self-love.
- set unrealistic goals
- Strive for progress, not perfection.
- Remember your why! Remind yourself of what is motivating you to make this change.
- Be hopeful and set parameters, and avoid specifics on expectations
- Make a plan on how you can achieve your goal.
- Control what you can, let go of what you can’t!
- Find an accountability partner
- Set goals that will teach you a lesson or benefit you regardless of the outcome
- Consider your track record- have you set similar goals before and what kept you from reaching them?
Maybe you’re worn out and the thought of making a resolution is too much- it’s okay to skip out on making a resolution this year. With this past year being particularly draining, a lot of us should focus on small goals that seem simple but will benefit you in the long run, such as getting more sleep, drinking more water, avoiding excessing alcohol and drug use or tobacco, and limiting your time on social media.
2020 brought a lot of loss and turmoil. Maybe you lost your job, a loved one, your social life, your comfort zone, a relationship- no matter what is was, it’s a safe to say that anyone who experiences 2020 could benefit from counseling. Talking things out and working on a positive mind set could be a great goal for 2021. Spectrum Health is always here to help you reach your goals! Call us today!
No matter how you decide to approach this new year, give yourself a little grace and compassion. Let’s take care of ourselves and be good to each other.