The Buffalo Community suffered a horrific blow last Saturday. Now we are grieving together and
we will also heal together….as one community, united in love and humanity.
Anxiety may have us all in its grasp. Donna Gill, a Clinician in our South Buffalo Counseling Center and a mindfulness expert offers some advice in working through anxious moments.
- First of all, remember to take care of yourself. Eat a bit even if you do not feel like it. Drink water.
- Remember your daily routine.
- Talk and share with others.
- Be mindful. Take deep breaths. One day at a time. Stay in the present.
- Be good to one another. Help others out during this time. Most people are suffering from this trauma whether it was their family / friends or not.
- Use your coping skills and strengths. Rely on your inner power and whatever purpose for life or spirituality you have.
The news media spotlight is shining on Buffalo right now. It’s good to stay informed for sure, but sometimes too much news consumption is too hurtful. Clinician Katrina Norris shares some tips for moderating the news when its negative emotions are too much.
- Set time limits. Although it is important to know about things that may be impacting our day to day lives, it is NOT necessary to watch the news from start to finish. Many news channels offer the “top stories” at the beginning of the hour or have a period where they do a brief overview of their top stories.
- Create boundaries with others. When consumed by negativity as it pertains to world’s events, it is okay to talk to your friends/family and just establish that boundary that talking about the news is NOT something you are comfortable with at this time.
- Find a positive. Maybe this means you find a way to engage with an event or activity that is helping people who are suffering from direct impact. Just connecting with another person and making a difference in their day is life-affirming and uplifting.
There is more help for you, too. There are counselors available to talk (or even just listen) every day from 1pm to 9pm until May 27 at the Johnnie B. Wiley Pavilion, 1100 Jefferson Ave. It’s free, confidential, and open to anyone. Spectrum Health counselors are there, along with counselors from our colleague agencies Endeavor Health, BestSelf Behavioral Health, and Crisis Services.
If you prefer a phone call, Spectrum Health’s NY Project Hope phone lines are open Monday through Friday, from 8am to Midnight. This service is also free and staffed by counselors, just call 716 566 6506.
Spectrum Health counselors are also aways available at 716 710 5172, 24/7, every day, for adults, along with our Spectrum C.A.R.E.S. program (716 882 HELP) for kids and youth to age 17 if you need emergency/crisis conversation.
Talking helps. It really does. So does remembering to love each.