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suicde walk

Walk Out of Darkness Spreads Light For Another Year

The Annual Out of the Darkness Walk was held Saturday September 21 at Canalside in Buffalo.

As usual Spectrum Health showed up and had a great presence there, with a team of walkers and three tables with resources under the tent.

As of the morning of the walk Buffalo raised more than $250,500, not including the money raised during the event.

To those of you who walked with us or donated to the cause,  thank you for showing your support against suicide and showing others that they are not alone in the fight. It was amazing to see so many people unify for the cause and bring awareness to what for so long has been in the shadows.  Thank you For walking Out of the Darkness and into the Light to Show Support For Suicide Prevention. We look forward to even more walkers next year!

Our colleagues in Wyoming County walked the previous Tuesday in Attica to raise additional support and bring awareness to suicide prevention in rural communities. We’re all together in this.

If you’re reading this and need to talk, please call 988. There’s always help for you.

Christina Jakubowski

Walk Out of Darkness Champion

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