Chances are, you’ve encountered someone who is, or has, battled some sort of addiction or mental illness. Chances are, they would like to be free.
In our modern day culture, people often find themselves feeling as though they are trapped in these situations. Not because there is no help available, but because that help can seem unattainable. For the mom with depression or the son addicted to opiates; it can seem like the only option is going to a full treatment center. Even more, after this newfound freedom, how can they return to everyday life? While full treatment centers are beneficial in removing someone from the environment in which they find certain drugs or ways of thinking readily available, many people have responsibilities at home, and leaving is not an option even if it means sobriety. Often this leaves them to feel as though they either have to stay where they are or leave everything they know.
This is where Community Based Counseling comes in to play.
On one hand, it helps those who have recently been released from prison and are ready to rebuild their life, but unsure of where to start. For those who have gone through a significant trauma; or are recovering from an addiction or mental illness, going back to daily life can still be challenging.
Community-Based Counseling allows you to participate in a full treatment program while having the ability to return to your own home every evening.
It focuses on helping individuals with day-to-day self-management and developing crucial communication skills so they can get back to living productive, meaningful lives. If you’re ready to start a new career, it can help you with that, too.
At Spectrum we have a professional staff full of experienced psychiatrists, nurses, vocational specialists and peer advocates who are ready to come alongside you or your loved one to help them achieve their self-defined goals, all while maintaining their place in their family & community. We offer both mental health counseling alongside substance abuse counseling.